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  • solar-thermal power generation
solar-thermal power generation
category:solar-thermal power generation
the hotline:86 373-3553177

solar-thermal power generation refers to the use of large parabolic array or disc mirror to collect the sun's heat, provide steam through heat exchange device, combined with the traditional technology of steam turbine generator, so as to achieve the purpose of power generation. the solar-thermal power generation technology is adopted to avoid the costly silicon photoelectric conversion technology, can greatly reduce the cost of solar power. also, this form of solar energy and other forms of a solar energy conversion has incomparable advantage, namely solar hot water can be stored in a large container, a few hours after the sun will still be able to drive the turbine to generate electricity. 

phone:86 373-3526651
address:china, xinxiang, high-tech development
zone is a new street, number 369-1
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all rights reserved henan tianfon green assembling group   address:china, xinxiang, high-tech development zone is a new street, number 369-1   zip:453000   