car plate molding equipment -ag亚博国际

ag亚博国际-ag亚博网站   |   english hotline:86 373-3553177
  • car plate molding equipment
car plate molding equipment
category:car industry
the hotline:86 373-3553177

car plate equipment (the car plate), can be used in cars, electric cars, agricultural tricycle, etc, automatic roll forming equipment series, also supporting the production automobile carriage side beam column, auto car beam, car floor, left - right - back board, dampers etc before several automobile steel production equipment and ancillary equipment installation. 

according to the different requirements of customers, can provide just one wall type equipment, also provide multi-purpose arched and precise hydraulic mill rolling mill line, auto production line can realize the uncoiling, leveling, cold bending guide rolling forming, welding, straightening, online automatic tracking length cut off one time. good car plate forming equipment, high efficiency, each big automobile manufacturer sales abroad (nanjing, beijing and other supporting manufacturers), by the customer consistent high praise. 

at the same time, we can also according to customer needs, to map processing equipment. 

汽车板材设备      汽车板材设备底板

          car plate plate 板                        car plate bottom


car plate plate type figure

phone:86 373-3526651
address:china, xinxiang, high-tech development
zone is a new street, number 369-1
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all rights reserved henan tianfon green assembling group   address:china, xinxiang, high-tech development zone is a new street, number 369-1   zip:453000   