jobs -ag亚博国际

ag亚博国际-ag亚博网站   |   english hotline:86 373-3553177
job: the technician

recruitment process

    1、how to resume?

    by the company general department telephone or email to apply for consulting
    group human resources department:0373-3526656


    2、what is the interview process ?

    company human resources department after receiving your resume will be filtered, after your resume through screening, the human resources department will arrange your related job interview.


    3、in the process

    after you through the interview assessment, conform to the requirements of the position of your decision, the company will arrange physical examination notice, who passed the examination report will be arranged and enter a probation period


    4、the interview and report to the required to carry information

    through the resume screening candidates and decide your when the interview and report to the general need to carry id card, diploma, certificate, title certificate, original position (hold) industry qualification certificate and other certificates and a color one inch photos


    5、what are physical considerations ?

    to those who participate in the examination on an empty stomach

wechat scan focus on tianfon
all rights reserved henan tianfon green assembling group   address:china, xinxiang, high-tech development zone is a new street, number 369-1   zip:453000   